Rise Of The Wool Ball

Wool-ball-like Ni-CNTs cathodes were synthesized by a one-step electrodeposition. Supergravity field was utilized to prepare non-noble metal cathode for HER. The composite cathodes with significantly enhanced HER activity were reported. Shadow & Rise Of The Wool Ball turn Wolfenstein cute. Dominic Tarason. 3 years ago. 17 Well done, everyone. Between the festival of catharsis that was Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus and Call Of Duty's return to World War 2, we've officially put shooting virtual fascists back on the menu.

  1. Pool Triangle Dimensions
  2. Making Wool Balls
  3. Rise Of The Wool Ball Moddb

Rise Of The Wool Ball is a fantastic mod for Doom, would recommend it! Has some great music too.shitty cover art by me


Pool Triangle Dimensions

Comment by Apaul27

I played the Wool Ball series, and i love it.

Comment by Tilemahosbra

@user-666832169: Pretty sure the guy is using VSTs.

Rise Of The Wool Ball

Comment by Tilemahosbra

holy shit

Comment by WatchDaToast

OOOOH... I couldn`t believe my eyes and ears after I saw this popping up on google o_O You did such a fantastic job man, I feel so flattered beyond words. Cannot express my amazement any more :D! Also, I never expected this to be actually played on guitar by anyone, so I made the riff all chaotic and hard to play on purpose. Hope you did not hurt your fingers there too much. :D

Comment by Gaz

I came.

Making Wool Balls

Comment by Some1IsLost

Rise Of The Wool Ball Moddb

Rise Of The Mater Toast (Anyways good song)