Opening Startup Programs

Program starts at startup windows 10

In case your computer is running slow and taking a while to start, you need to take a look at programs starting up with your computer and remaining active in the background. You will find below the steps to remove startup programs in Windows 10.

Startup programs are listed inside the System Configuration administrative tool. In Windows 7, the System Configuration tool can be opened using the shortcut for its applet, or going through the Control Panel to open it. I will show you both ways. The more programs that launch at startup, the greater your PC is affected. There are certain types of programs that you do want to start automatically, such as antivirus and webcam software.

Add and Remove Startup Programs in Windows 10

As soon as you start your computer, some programs will launch or start up with your computer and keep running in the background.

Like many users, you may not even be aware of programs that are automatically starting up with your computer and unnecessarily using up resources by remaining active in the background.

Luckily, it is easy to remove startup programs in Windows 10 and add them back to startup, in case you change your mind.

Disable or Remove Startup Programs in Windows 10

Follow the steps below to remove Startup Programs in Windows 10.

1. Right-click on Windows Start button and click on Task Manager option in the menu that appears.

Note: You can also launch Task Manager by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting Task Manager.

2. On the Task Manager screen, click on the Startup tab. Next, right-click on the program that you would like to remove from Startup and then click on Disable in the contextual menu.

After this, the disabled program will no longer launch at startup, when you restart your computer.

Opening Startup Programs Near Me

Enable or Add Startup Programs in Windows 10

At any time you can enable or add startup programs in Windows 10 by going back to the Task Manager screen.

Program Open Startup Windows 10

1. Right-click on Windows Start button and click on Task Manager option in the menu that appears.

2. On the Task Manager screen, click on the Startup tab. Next, right-click on the program that you would like to add to Startup and then click on Enable in the contextual menu.

Add New Programs to Windows 10 Startup

Adding New Programs to Windows 10 startup takes a bit more effort than enabling existing programs using Task Manager.

1. Right-click on the Start button and then click on Run in the menu that appears.

2. Type shell:startup in the Run Command window and click on OK.

3. Once you are in the Startup Folder, locate the program that you want to add to Windows 10 startup and simply drag the program and drop it into the Startup Folder.

4. Depending on the program, you may be prompted to choose whether or not you want to create a shortcut to the program or the Shortcut will be automatically created, once the selected program is dropped into the Startup Folder.

After adding the New Program to Startup, you can go to the Task Manager screen and enable or disable the program from starting up with your computer and running in the background.

There is no limit to the number of programs that you can add to the startup menu in Windows 10.

However, you need to be aware that adding multiple programs to startup can adversely affect the boot up time of your computer and may hinder its performance, in case the program has a tendency to run in the background.