Lifesaver Game Baby Shower

Play baby games at Will you be a good parent when you have a child? Practice taking care of babies by playing these games about childcare. Children are difficult to take care of, learn to feed and change babie's diaper to unlock the good parent achievement. Home Occasions Baby Shower Personalized Lifesavers Personalized Baby Shower Lifesavers Since their introduction in 1912, LifeSavers has become an iconic American brand due to their great tasting flavors, options and uniqueness with the hole shape in the middle of every candy. Find advice, tips, and product reviews to help you handle pregnancy and early parenting. Hello Baby makes parenting easier.

Free Baby Shower Games
- Less Physical -

Give your baby shower a fun flair with the free baby shower games below. Some of the most enjoyable, exciting, and meaningful baby shower games are played sitting down, writing, taste testing, and more. So get ready for some meaningful moments, a lot of fun, and plenty of laughs!

I will explain each game and what you will need for them. So Have at it and Have Fun!

Nursery Rhyme Jeopardy Game

This Jeopardy game tests your Nursery Rhyme skills and knowledge and is a SURE crowd pleaser! It is played just like the game of Jeopardy on TV. Here are the Jeopardy nursery rhyme game instructions...

Scavenger Hunt Baby Shower Game

Here is the ORIGINAL Baby Shower Scavenger Hunt. This is a fun and refreshingly different baby shower game that will give your baby shower a cute and clever touch! Click here for the directions and free printable scavenger hunt cards...

Around the World Baby Shower Game

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Print out a copy of this free Around the World baby shower game card, one copy for each guest.

How to play this free printable baby shower game: Give a copy of the game card to each guest. They must match each of the 10 languages to the corresponding word for 'baby'. The guest who matches them CORRECTLY first wins! Or you could give everyone a time limit and then at the end, read the answers and every guest who guessed correctly wins a prize! Print out a copy of the answer key to check the winner's answers.

Baby Shower Bingo

No holding back for this Baby Shower Game. There is something about Bingo that people just THRIVE on! It has got to be the grandmother of all baby shower games.

There are several versions of Bingo that you can play:
1. Baby Shower Gift Bingo
Preparation for Gift Baby Shower Bingo:
Before the Baby Shower, print off these free baby shower bingo cards... They have names of typical baby shower gifts. There are 20 different cards to print off, each one is a different order (so that each guest gets a differently ordered card - otherwise everyone would win at the same time!) Print off a different Bingo card for each guest. Buy Hershey's Kisses or little plastic babies at a craft store for the game pieces (or M&M's, Hershey's minis, or other candy). You will need about 15-20 game pieces for each guest.
How to play Gift Baby Shower Bingo: During the Baby Shower, Hand each guest a bingo cards and 15-20 game pieces. Instruct the guests that as the expectant mother is opening her gifts, they place a Hershey's Kiss or other game piece on their card if the gift is on one of the squares of their Baby Shower Bingo card. Someone wins if they get 5 in a row, 5 in a column, or 5 in a diagonal. Keep playing even if someone wins in the middle of opening gifts; keep playing until all the gifts are opened. (Have multiple prizes because there will likely be more than 1 winner).


2. Themed Baby Shower Bingo
This is a lot of fun because it goes along perfectly with your Baby Shower Theme!
Preparation for Themed Baby Shower Bingo: Before the Baby Shower, look at the list below to find your specific baby shower theme:

Sesame Street - Baby Shower Bingo

Once you have found your theme, click on it and print off the Themed Baby Shower Bingo cards. There are 20 different cards to print off, each one is a different order (so that each guest gets a differently ordered card - otherwise everyone would win at the same time!) Print off a different Bingo card for each guest. Buy Hershey's Kisses or little plastic babies at a craft store for the game pieces (or M&M's, Hershey's minis, or other candy). You will need about 15-20 game pieces for each guest. Also, print off one extra card and cut out each of the squares. You will put these squares into a hat so you can draw them out and read them during the game.
How to play Themed Baby Shower Bingo: During the Baby Shower, Hand each guest a bingo cards and 15-20 game pieces. You, or the Mother-to-be will draw a square from a hat (or a diaper bag:) and read the word. Instruct the guests to then look on their card to see if the word is found on their card. If it is, then they put a game piece on that square. Keep playing until all of the squares are drawn out and read. Someone wins if they get 5 in a row, 5 in a column, or 5 in a diagonal. Usually there are more than one winner so have multiple prizes just in case!


3. Baby Shower Bingo 'Make your Own'
Fill in your own words on blank Baby Shower Bingo cards.
Preparation for 'Make your Own' Baby Shower Bingo: Before the Baby Shower, print off these baby shower game bingo cards... Print one blank card for each guest. You could choose different baby items (and use these instead of the Baby Shower Gift Bingo cards above). Or instead of doing Baby Shower Bingo during gifts, you could play it anytime during the shower, 'cause everyone is in the mood for a game of Bingo ANYTIME! You could fill the boxes with the names of the guests, baby actions (gurgle, crawl, burp the baby, change the diaper), flavors of baby food, different baby names, or any number of other baby related themes. You can fill in the boxes on all the cards (in a different order each time) yourself, or better yet, pass the cards out during the shower and have each guest fill out her (or his) own. If you are going to have the guests fill in their own boxes (wise decision!), then make a master list of the items, or guests' names, or baby actions or whatever you wanted to play Bingo with. Make an extra copy of this master list and cut out each item separately into strips of paper. These you will put in a hat (or diaper bag:) to draw out of during the game. Buy Hershey's Kisses or little plastic babies at a craft store for the game pieces (or M&M's, Hershey's minis, or other candy). You will need about 15-20 game pieces for each guest.
How to play 'Make your Own' Baby Shower Bingo: During the Baby Shower, Take your master list of items, (or actions, names, or whatever) and read the list to all of your guests. Instruct the guests to fill in their Bingo card with each item that you read in any square of their choosing on their card. If you don't have 24 items (or names, or baby actions, or whatever) then tell the guests to use some words twice. Now for the Fun Part! Then, from your hat (or bassinet, or diaper bag) have the mother-to-be or yourself draw one slip of paper at a time and read the word out loud. Instruct the guests to then look on their card to see if the word is found on their card. If it is, then they put a game piece on that square. Keep playing until all of the squares are drawn out and read. Someone wins if they get 5 in a row, 5 in a column, or 5 in a diagonal. Usually there are more than one winner so have multiple prizes just in case!

Talk about FUN!

Name that Nursery Rhyme!

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, make a list of 10-15 different lines from various nursery rhymes. It is best if they are not the most recognized line from the rhyme. Use this free printable Nursery Rhyme game card if you would like. Make a copy for each guest.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, hand each guest a pen and a copy of the list. They must write down the name of the nursery rhyme for each line on the list. The guest who gets the most correct is the Nursery Rhyme Champion!
Baby Shower Concentration

Also known as Baby Shower Memory Game. Everyone really has a lot fun with this game and there are multiple prizes, which of course everyone enjoys! Click here for detailed game instructions...
Baby Memory Tray

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, buy or borrow about 20 - 30 baby items. Click here for a potential list of baby items. On the day of the shower, assemble the items on a big serving tray or cookie sheet.
LifesaverHow to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, give everyone a paper and pen. Walk around the room with the tray and show everyone the items on the tray. Let them get a good look at it. Then hide the tray & baby items, and have the guests write down all of the items from the tray that they can remember. Once everyone is done writing (give them 4 or 5 minutes), bring the tray of items out again and take one item off of the tray at a time and let everyone keep track of how many items they got correct. The guest who remembered the most correct items WINS!
Baby Memory of Mommy

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Same preparation as the 'Baby Memory Tray' game above.
How to play this free baby shower game: Play the same game as above but instead of you holding the tray have the mother-to-be show everyone the tray and then have her leave the room. Then, tell everyone they must write down what the mother-to-be was wearing. What clothing she had, colors, if she was wearing jewelry, how her hair was done, shoes, belt, everything. Or instead of having the tray of baby items, you could just have the mother-to-be leave the room unexpectedly and then start the game.
Hollywood Star Baby Shower Game

Preparation for this Baby Shower Game: Buy a baby magazine or two and cut out different pictures of baby bodies. Also buy a magazine or two which features pictures of stars & celebrities. Choose movie stars, sports stars, music stars - find ones that not everyone knows. Cut out celebrity faces and on cardstock glue baby bodies and adhere star faces/heads to the baby bodies. Number each cardstock page. On a computer make a numbered answer sheet with blanks for the guests to write down their answers. Print an answer sheet for each guest.

How to Play this Baby Shower Game: Give each guest an answer sheet and pen. Pass the cardstock pages around the room. Instruct the guests to quickly study the pictures and write down who they think the star/celebrity on their numbered answer sheet. The guest who knew the most 'stars' wins a prize!

Baby What in the World?

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, buy 8-10 baby and/or pregnancy related items that are not obvious as to what they are used for. For example, a nasal aspirator, temperature strip, teething ring, diaper genie, nose syringe, bottle warmer, etc. Go to a baby store to find other useful but less known items. Then, take each item out of their package, and place them all in a bag, box, or basket.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, give everyone a sheet of paper and a pen and then pull one item from the bag to show everyone. They must guess what-in-the-world the item is used for. The guest with the most correct answers, WINS! Give the expectant mother the assortment of items as a gift.

Lifesaver Games online, free

Baby Food Guessing Game

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, buy 10-15 different flavors of baby food. Then, write or tape a number on the lid of each jar. And make a master list of which number corresponds to each flavor. Lastly, remove the label from each jar so the flavor is not visible on the jar.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, give each guest a sheet of paper and a pen. Have them number the paper from 1 to 10 (or 15 to however many flavors you bought). Then pass around the jars and have the guests examine the jars and try to guess by sight which flavor is which. Have them write down their guesses, and then read off the flavor of each number. The guest with the most correct answers is the Baby Food Connoisseur!
Baby Name Scramble

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, find out from the soon-to-be mother what name she has chosen for the baby. Then type that name on the top of a page and print it out. Make copies of the page, one for each guest. Lifesaver Game Baby Shower
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, give each guest (and the mother) a page with the name on it and a pen. Instruct them to form as many words from the letters of the baby's name as they can. Set the timer for 90 seconds. The most words WINS!
Baby Name Meaning

This is a fun, meaningful game for the mother.
Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, Find out from the mother-to-be what name she has chosen for the baby. Get a book of baby names or go here to find out what the chosen name means.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, tell all the guests the baby name that the mother has chosen (or better yet, let her tell everyone) and then instruct them to think of what the baby name might mean or signify. Go around the room and have each guest say what they think the name means. Then you read the real meaning at the end (or have the Mother-to-be explain what the name means). Whoever gives the closest meaning to the real one is the winner!

Lifesavers Mini Golf Game

Baby Shower Price is Right!

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the Shower, go to the store and purchase 10 - 12 small baby items. Be sure to keep the receipt, so you know how much each baby item costs.
Items could include:
1 Package of Diapers,
1 Bottle of Baby Food
1 Package of 100 q-tips
1 Bottle of multivitamins
1 Bottle of Baby Powder
1 Pair of Baby Shoes
1 Onesie
1 Bottle
1 Pacifier
1 Elmo stuffed animal
Any baby items that match your specific theme would be excellent items to have!

Then, make a list of the baby items on one side and a blank line on the other. Click here for a free printable baby shower game card.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, give each guest a list and a pen. Show each item to the group and have them write down what they think it costs. Then have them add up their prices for all the items. The one closest to the actual total on your receipt (minus the tax) is the winner! Present the expectant mother with the baby items. She'll be needing them!

Mommy's Tummy

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Nada! Nothing! Hooray!
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, have all the guests in a circle around the soon-to-be mother. Have her stand up and pass around one or two rolls of tissue paper and instruct each guest to rip off the length of tissue paper that they think is the circumference of Mommy's tummy. Then each guest takes their length of tissue up to the expectant mother and wrap their paper around her tummy to see how close they are. The closest length is the winner!
Variation: Instead of approaching the soon-to-be mother to see how close they are at guessing her tummy size, surprise the guests by instructing them to say one thing they like about the expectant mother for each square of tissue paper they took. Or they could give one piece of baby advice for each square,. No matter what, the ones who guessed big will have a lot to say!
Nursery Rhyme Balloon Game

A hilarious game to play.
Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, buy one balloon for each guest who is coming. Then, write the name that the expectant mother has chosen for her baby on a slip of paper. Fold the paper up and slip it into one of the balloons. Now blow up the balloon and tie it off. Now, write on other slips of paper actions that other people must perform if they do not get the winning slip of paper. For example, choose another person and together sing a lullaby. Or recite as much of a nursery rhyme as you can. Or perform a nursery rhyme feat, like Jump over a Candle stick. Or Run Off with a Spoon. Or choose 2 other people and have a dialog of what the 3 blind mice would say to each other. Write silly actions down on slips of paper and put each one into its own balloon and fill it up with air. Now you are all ready to GO!
How to play this free baby shower game: You can either scatter the balloons around the room on the floor before the shower, or tape them on the walls & ceiling to add to your baby shower decorations. Then, during the shower, tell everyone that they must pick a balloon and hope it is the one with THE name in it. Because whoever finds it is the winner, and everyone else gets to provide entertainment and laughs with their silly actions. The best way to find out what each slip of paper is to pop the balloon by sitting on it.
Baby Pictionary

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Prepare a list of 5 - 10 baby items, baby actions, or baby situations. For example: Crib, stroller, breast pump, changing a diaper, burping a baby, ultrasound, bottle, baby's 1st step, baby crying, delivery room, midwife, rattle, etc. Have blank paper and pencils ready.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, form 2 teams. Set each team at a different table and give each one some paper and pencils. Have one member of each team come up to the front where you are and show them both the first word on the list, but don't let them see the rest of the words. The will go back to their table and draw the item or phrase that they saw on the list. They can't write any letters or numbers, only pictures. The first team to correctly guess the word or phrase wins that round. Play 5 to 10 rounds, depending on how into the game everyone is. The team that wins the most rounds wins the game!
Baby Playdough Pictionary!

This game is played exactly like 'Baby Pictionary' as explained above; the only difference is that instead of drawing the baby word or phrase with pen and paper, the teams will sculpt the word or phrase with the playdough. You will need two cans of playdough, one for each team.
Baby Dollar

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Find out the one or two names that the expectant mother has chosen for her baby. Have some extra one dollar bills on hand in case any of the guests don't happen to have one.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, give each guest a pencil and have each one pull out a dollar bill. Tell the guests the baby names that the mother has chosen and the guests must find and circle each letter of one of the names on the dollar bill. The first guest to find all the letters of one or both of the names wins. The letters of almost any name can be found on a dollar bill, just try it!
Baby Michelangelo

Preparation for this free baby shower game: You will need about 1/2 can of playdough for every guest that is coming.
How to play this free baby shower game: Give each guest about 1/2 can of playdough and instruct them to sculpt a little baby from the dough. The expectant mother will judge the best 'baby', which decides the winner.
Baby Bottle Drinking Contest

An absolutely hilarious game! See who can drink out of a baby bottle the fastest.
Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, buy enough 4 oz. baby bottles so that each guest will have one. Then, on the day of the shower, fill each bottle with milk, water, juice, or soda - whatever the guests would like.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, Give each guest a bottle and the race is on! Say get ready, get set, GO! Whoever empties their bottle the fastest is the winner!
Fun variation: If you are planning to have the men at the baby shower also, then have just the men drink from the bottles. They really get into it and nothing can beat seeing grown men drink frantically from baby bottles. Have the wives take plenty of pictures!
Baby Food Taste Test

This is another classic baby shower game, and not without reason!
Preparation for this free baby shower game: Buy 8 or more jars of baby food of all different flavors. For fun, buy 2 or 3 very unique flavors. Cover the label of each jar with paper or aluminum foil so that the name of the flavor is covered. With a marker, write a number on each jar from 1 to 8.
How to play this free baby shower game: pass each guest a paper plate, a notecard, a pen, and a plastic spoon. Have everyone number their paper plate from 1 to 8 (or more), evenly spacing the numbers on the outer rim of the plate. Pass around the jars of baby food and instruct each guest to scoop a little spoonful of baby food out on their plate, each flavor to a different number. Then everyone tastes each flavor and writes down on their notecard what flavor they think it is. When everyone is finished, remove the covers off of the jars to reveal the flavor of each jar. Whoever correctly guesses the most flavors is the baby food queen (or king). Be sure to take pictures of the funny faces!
Name That Baby!

This is a timeless baby shower game and is an excellent ice-breaker. I recommend playing this game first because it is a very fun and unique way to get to know one another (even if you are close friends or family).
Preparation for this free baby shower game: When you send out the invitation, ask each guest to bring a baby picture of themselves. Make a list of the names of each guest who is coming and print out a copy of the list for each person. As each guest arrives, place the pictures on a poster board with masking or scotch tape. Do this in a different room so that the guests don't see where you place the other guests' pictures. Number each picture on the poster board with a marker.
How to play this free baby shower game: Give each guest a copy of the list and a pen. Instruct everyone to match each person on the list with the numbered baby picture on the posterboard. The winner of this game is the one who gets the most right.
Baby Top 40

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Nothing!
How to play this free baby shower game: A very fun and easy game to do. This baby shower game can be played individually, in two big teams, or several teams of 3 or 4 people. I recommend splitting the guests into 2 large teams (most guests enjoy this more). Give each team a pen and paper. Instruct teams to write down as many songs with the word 'baby' in the title and/or lyrics as they can. Give them 4 - 5 minutes and the team with the most wins. Have each team read their list aloud.
A fun idea: For the prize you could have the winning team choose one of the songs that the losing team must sing.
Dirty Diapers

This is a great game for any group!
Preparation for this free baby shower game: Get 8 small diapers and before the shower fill each one with a different type of food. Example: mustard, soy sauce, chocolate syrup, peanut butter, etc. On the diaper somewhere, write a number with a marker, from 1 - 8.
How to play this free baby shower game: Pass out a paper and pen to each guest. Have them number their papers from 1 - 8. Then have the guests pass around the different diapers, smelling each one and trying to guess what is on the diaper. Have them write down their guesses on their paper. The winner is the one who gets the most diapers right!
One fun variation: For the 'messes', melt different types of candy bars onto the diapers with a hair dryer.
What's My Name Anyway?

This is another classic baby shower game and never ceases to break the ice, get familiar with everyone, and laugh all at the same time.
Preparation for this free baby shower game: Brainstorm different celebrity names, one for each guest coming. You can choose both male and female celebrities. Write each name on an adhesive name tag.
How to play this free baby shower game: As each guest arrives, place a name tag on his or her back without letting them see who's name is on the nametag. Guests have to find out who they are by asking yes or no questions about their celebrity. For example: Am I a woman? Am I an actress? Have I been in a movie over the last 5 years? etc. Drinks and appetizers can be served while guests mingle and find out who they are.
Baby Feeding Frenzy

This is one of my favorite baby shower games. It is incredibly fun and incredibly messy! So it is best to do it over a laminate floor or outside.
Preparation for this free baby shower game: You will need to have bowls of Jell-O, pudding, or ice-cream. Have one bowl for each guest. Either make the Jell-O or pudding, or buy individual Jell-O or pudding packets at the grocery store.
How to play this free baby shower game: Divide the guests into teams of 2 and have them sit facing each other on 2 chairs. Place a towel or large plastic garbage bag over each one for a bib. They're gonna need it! Give each guest a spoon and a bowl of Jell-O, or pudding. Then blindfold each of the two guests and say GO! They must feed each other as fast as they can. Give them 60 seconds to feed each other and at the end of the time, see how much of their pudding has been eaten. Then have another team go. Whichever team eats the most is the winner! (a team could 'finish' their pudding, but it could just be all over the other person and not actually 'eaten') Have each team perform separately so everyone can watch everyone else. Everyone will be laughing so hard!
Baby Van Gogh

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Buy enough paper plates so that each guest will have one.
How to play this free baby shower game: Give each guest a paper plate and a pencil or pen. Then tell everyone to place the paper plate behind their backs or on top of their head with one hand. With pen or pencil in the other hand, instruct the guests to draw a picture of a baby on the plate. Give them 2 minutes to draw their 'masterpiece'. Collect the plates at the end and have the mother-to-be select the best picture.
Mother Van Gogh

This is the same activity as 'Baby Van Gogh' but for this game, draw a picture of a pregnant Mommy-To-Be and have the real mommy-to-be judge which one looks most like her! (Make sure the expectant mother isn't self conscience about her increased size)
Baby ABC's

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Print out this list of A through Z letters, print one copy for each guest.
How to play this free baby shower game: You can either do this individually or in teams of 2 or 3 people. Give each person (or team) a piece of paper and a pen. Have them fill in each space with a baby related item or term (or pregnancy related term) that starts with that letter. Give everyone 6 - 8 minutes to fill in the list. Whoever fills in the list most completely wins! Q, X, and Z can be tricky. Tell the guests to be creative. Click here for a possible list of items.
Baby Animal Name Game

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Create a list of 15 - 20 adult animals and their corresponding baby names. For example: Bear - Cub. Click here for an animal baby shower game example list that you could use. Print a list off for each guest. Also, print off an answer Key for yourself so you can read the correct answers at the end. Here is the answer key for the example list.
How to play this free baby shower game: Give each guest a list of animals and give them 4 - 5 minutes to fill in the blanks with the appropriate baby animal names. Read the correct answers from the Key and whoever gets the most correct is the Designated Veterinarian and the winner!
Old Wives' Trivia Game

Preparation for this free baby shower game: All you have to do is print out these free Old Wives Trivia Cards!
How to play this free baby shower game: Just give each guest a trivia card and a pen. Then give everyone five or ten minutes to answer all of the trivia questions. At the end, either you or the expectant mother can read the correct answers. The guest with the most correct answers wins! Give the winner a pair of knitting needles or some thread or embroidery pattern as a prize. She wins the 'Old Wives Award'!
Lifesaver Game Baby Shower __________________________________________________
Don't Say Baby

Preparation for this free baby shower game: You'll need 4 - 5 safety pins or clothes pins for each guest who is coming. Or you could use something else that is simple and baby related.
How to play this free baby shower game: Give each guest 4 or 5 safety pins and instruct each guest that they can't say the word 'baby'. If someone does slip and says 'baby', then the person who first catches the slip gets one of that guest's safety pins. Play this 'ongoing' game from the start of the shower until you open gifts. The guest with the most pins at the end of the shower wins this ever-so difficult game! (It is so easy to slip and say 'Baby'!
ABC Name Game

Preparation for this free baby shower game: This is a very simple, no preparation needed baby shower game!
How to play this free baby shower game: Start with the expectant mother and have her say a baby name that begins with the letter 'A'. Then go to the next guest, who must say a baby name that begins with the letter 'B'. Continue around the room until you have gone through the whole alphabet, A - Z. If a guest cannot think of a name in 10 to 15 seconds, they are skipped and are out. If you make it to Z with more than one person still in the circle, then there are multiple winners or you can play another round, A through Z until there is only one person left in the game.
Baby Babble

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Make a list of 15 - 20 words of baby related items. Then scramble up the letters of each word. Make copies of the list for each guest. Click here for a free printable baby shower game card.
How to play this free baby shower game: Give each guest a copy of the list and a pen or pencil. They must unscramble all of the words. Give them 5 - 6 minutes to unscramble the words, or play until someone unscrambles all of the words. The first one to unscramble all of the words or unscramble the most words in the allotted time is the winner!
Baby Name Babble

This game is played just like 'Baby Babble' above, but instead of baby related items, use baby names that are scrambled up. Click here for a free printable word scramble baby shower game card. Baby
Mother's Perfect Baby

Preparation for this free baby shower game: Before the shower, make a list of the mother-to-be's idea of the perfect baby in terms of physical characteristics and personality traits, and have the expectant mother fill it out. Click here for afree printable 'Perfect Baby' game card that you could use.

Make a copy of the game card for each guest.
How to play this free baby shower game: During the shower, give each guest a copy of the list of the ideal baby characteristics and a pen. Have each guest fill out the paper, trying to guess what the mother would prefer. The guest with the closest guesses to the mommy-to-be's list is the one who thinks the most like she does, and therefore wins the game!

Blurbs For Baby

This is a fun baby shower game that will really bring out the creativity in everyone! Print out these blurbs for baby shower game cards. You will also find the game instructions and an example of how to play the game. Have Fun!!

Lifesavers Free Games

Lifesaver Game Baby Shower

Click here for more fun & free baby shower games...

Candy Lifesavers Games