How To Heal Severely Cracked Heels

When the skin on the foot undergoes enough pressure from wind, dryness, and stress, the surface of the epidermis could crack. This injury is commonly known as “heel fissure.” It is a problem for people who are more likely to stand and work physically for longer durations such as construction workers, athletes, runners, and soldiers, security guards, policemen, and scouts in training. This injury causes difficulty in standing or walking, and they may cause other people to be bedridden for a few days.

Lack of Moisture. Winter weather is the number one cause for seasonal dry skin. Whether you’re trying to prevent cracked heels or heal them, the solution is the same: stay moisturized. “Use a good moisturizer at least once a day, possibly more.

Heel fissure is caused by several factors, and these factors mainly involve wind, dryness, and stress. Long exposure to the wind can cause dry skin and flaking, which are two of the main characteristics of the fissure. For stress, standing for long hours is an example. The weight of your body exerts a lot of pressure into the skin and cause it to crack. The likelihood of getting heel fissures is further increased by having an unhealthy weight or being obese. Other factors that endanger the skin to flaking is using very acidic soaps that contain chemicals that could cause the skin to dry. Furthermore, putting on the wrong pair of shoes, such that it is too tight or too loose, can also increase the chances of getting heel fissures. And lastly, skin diseases such as eczema, diabetes, and skin cancer can also lead to flaking skins.

A serious case of heel fissure can cause the skin to crack deeply and bleed. In this case, the injury should be treated immediately, as leaving open wounds untreated can lead to infection. The treatment of heel fissures do not involve any complicated processes, and this injury is more likely to be excruciatingly painful than dangerous. For the treatment of heel fissures, all you require are simple wound cleaning products and a few bandages.


Here are the ways and steps on how to heal the injury using medical or household materials:

The Common Household Method

How To Heal Severely Cracked Heels

This way of healing cracked bleeding feet is similar to the method common households use in treating normal wounds. Using this method requires the basic knowledge of first aid like bandaging and washing wounds.

Step 1 – Wash the foot, especially the area of injury. Blood may still be oozing out of the affected area, so be sure not to touch or remove any flakes of skin as this may be uncomfortable or painful for the patient. When drying the foot, don’t rub the towel against the injury. Instead, apply light dabbing and allow the cloth to absorb the moisture. This way, blood will also be prevented from spreading around the foot. Keep dabbing until the bleeding lightens.

Step 2 – Apply wound-cleansing products. This includes sterilizers such as iodine. Alcohol is also an example of the sterilizer, but be careful in using it for some types of alcohol can dry the skin even further. In fact, it is not recommended to use alcohol because of its sting. The best sterilizer to be used for wound cleaning is iodine because of its long lasting effect and skin friendly characteristics. Dab a cotton of iodine on the wound once the bleeding has lightened.

Step 3 – Time for bandages. In the case of a cracked skin, simple band-aids won’t do. Generic medical bandages should be wrapped around the foot to cover it entirely and keep it safe. If these medical bandages are not available, you may use a clean cloth to improvise. Take note that the cloth has to be clean, and preferably new and unused.

Step 4 – Observe the wound. There might be some things that home treatment cannot help. For instance, if the foot starts to hurt significantly, or if the bleeding lasts longer than it should (more than a few hours, at least), be sure to contact the doctor. When you remove the dressing, take a moment to observe the wound and make sure there aren’t any changes on the skin – blackish spots among the reddish flakes of skin may mean the beginnings of gangrene. Be on the lookout also for odd reactions in your body such as fever, as this may be a sign of infection.

How To Heal Severely Cracked Heels Treatment


The Water Treatment

Water can heal a lot of things, and heel fissures aren’t an exemption. The main cause of heel fissure is dryness and lack of moisture in the skin. Simply submerging your feet in a basin of water can help you heal your heel fissure. However, it becomes complicated when your cracked skin is bleeding. This part of the article will help you overcome your bleeding heel fissure using a basin of water.

Step 1 – Clean your foot with a wet towel. Dab the wet cloth on the affected area, especially around the heels where dirt accumulates. You will be submerging your feet in cold water, so make sure your feet is clean as to not contaminate the liquid. You may also use iodine sterilizer along with the damp towel to provide more germ-cleansing potential. Keep dabbing the wound with the wet cloth until the bleeding has lessened.

Step 2 – Prepare a basin of cold water. Remember, the temperature should be cold. This temperature is required to constrict the blood vessels and lessen the bleeding. Make sure the water is deep enough to cover your feet from heel to ankles.

Step 3 – Submerge your feet in the water for fifteen to thirty minutes. If your legs start to hurt due to the low temperature, take them out.

Step 4 – Once your feet are out of the water, wrap them immediately with a cloth tightly. Make sure that your feet will not be exposed to air, as this might worsen the heel fissure because of the cold water. Let your feet stay warm. If the treatment works fine, the bleeding should have stopped. With the bleeding aside, you may now work your way to healing the actual skin cracks.


What To Do For Dry Cracked Feet

Removing the Heel Fissure

How To Heal Crack Heels At Home

One of the most effective ways to heal heel fissures is glycerine. This sweet syrup made obtain from animal fats is a common household item and is known for its moisturizing capabilities. To use this substance as treatment, simply mix water and glycerin in a small container, then apply the mixture to the affected area. Keep applying this treatment once a day, and results will start to show in less than a month