Basic Driver Improvement Course Answers

Taking your basic driver improvement course online can be done in your PJ’s sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Actually, you don’t have to wear anything at all, but if you choose to take the course in the nude, please make sure the drapes are closed. Most of these crashes were caused by driver error, and could have been prevented. Take the online driver improvement program – and review the rules of the road. Put the campaign in action every time you travel – whether on State or personal time. Together, we can raise awareness, change behavior and save lives.

Ticket School wants to provide customers with all the resources and information they need to make an informed decision about taking the Florida Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course. We put together the following frequently asked questions and their answers to make the process of registering and taking the course as easy as possible. However, if you do not see your question below or still need additional information about something, please call us toll free at 1-800-558-9887 to speak with one of our representatives.

When is it necessary to take the Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course and what benefits does it offer?

There are several key reasons why someone may choose to take the ADI course. For example the ADI course may be taken in response to one of the below situations:

  • License Suspension or Revocation – Florida drivers whose licenses have been revoked by the Florida DHSMV are required to complete an ADI course before their licenses are reinstated.
  • Florida Hardship License – Florida drivers whose licenses have been suspended or are going to be suspended can receive a Florida Hardship License if they provide proof of their enrollment in the ADI course.
  • Habitual Traffic Offender (“HTO”) – Drivers who have been designated a Habitual Traffic Offender, or “HTO,” due to too many driving-related offenses are also required to complete the ADI course.
  • Court or Judge Ordered 12-hour – Individuals who have been ordered by a Florida judge or court to take a 12-hour driver improvement course will also need to take the ADI course to meet this requirement.

Please note that the online ADI course on will satisfy all of these requirements. However, the Florida ADI course cannot be taken for a DUI offense. Do not sign up for the ADI course if you have been ordered to take a DUI course instead.

Is Ticket School’s ADI course approved by the State of Florida?

Yes, the Florida ADI course offered through is fully approved by the Florida DHSMV and is accepted by all Florida courts.

Does the ADI course have to be completed according to a set schedule or in certain chunks?

No, you can work completely at your own schedule and complete as much or as little as you want to with only a couple of limitations. The online course saves your progress after you complete each page of the course; so one page is the smallest amount you can complete at one time. After you complete the first 6 hours of the course you are also required by state law to take a 24-hour break; so 6 hours is the most you can complete at one time. However, beyond that you can take as long as you like or work as quickly as you like as long as you complete the course by the court- or state-ordered date specified when you were notified that you would need to take the ADI course.

How long is the ADI course?

Florida law mandates that the ADI course takes a minimum of 12 hours to complete. There are 10-minute breaks built into this time that occur after each course hour. Thus the total instructional time is only 10.5 hours with a minimum of 1.5 hours of break. As discussed above there is also a mandatory 24-hour break after completion of the first 6 hours. This 24-hour break period is not included in the 12-hour course length calculation. Thus the fastest the course could be completed, including the 24-hour break, is within 36 hours. However, beyond this minimum time span, you can take as long as you need to complete the course as long as you meet your court- or state- ordered deadline.

How do I receive my ADI enrollment letter?

As discussed above, those taking the ADI course are eligible for a Florida Hardship License if they show proof of enrollment. Fortunately, with the online ADI course on you receive your enrollment letter instantly after you finish registering for the course. You can download and print your enrollment letter right away, or print it from the link in the email that will be sent to you. You will also be given the opportunity to download the letter every time you log into the course.

How will I receive my ADI Certificate of Completion?

Once you have successfully completed the Florida ADI course, an electronic Certificate of Completion will become available for immediate download.


Please note that it is your responsibility to complete the ADI course and meet your course completion deadline as mandated by the authority requiring your completion of the course.

Will I need to report completion of the ADI course to the Florida DMV or Court?

This will depend on why you are taking the Florida ADI course. If you are required to take the course due to a suspended or revoked letter or in order to gain a hardship license, then TicketSchool will report your completion to DHSMV. However, if you are instead taking the ADI course due to a judge- or court-order, then you will be required to turn in your completion certificate to the judge or court on or before your due date.

What will happen if I don’t complete the ADI course by my court date?

If you will not be able to complete the ADI course by your court-ordered date you may be able to request a deadline extension from the judge or court that ordered you to take the course. If you wish to request an extension please contact the court on file for your case.


How much does the ADI course cost?


The current course fee is available on the sign-up page.

Basic Driver Improvement Course Answers

Michigan Basic Driver Improvement Course Answers

If you find a lower price advertised for the ADI course by one of our competitors please contact us and we will beat it by 5% as part of our lowest-price guarantee.

Florida Traffic School Test Answers

What types of payment do you accept for the ADI course?

Ticket School accepts all major credit and debit cards. Your payment will be securely processed and encrypted using SSL technology.

What is Ticket School’s cancellation and refund policy?

If you wish to cancel your ADI course registration or inquire about a refund for the course, please contact our customer service team at 1-800-558-9887 Monday-Friday (excluding holidays), between the hours of 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM CST.

However, please note that if you wish to cancel because you are concerned that you will not be able to make your completion date deadline, you may be able to request an extension from the court or judge. Some courts may allow a grace period for completions that they do not advertise, or they may accept your completion certificate after the due date as long as it is postmarked before your due date. Please contact the court to inquire about these possibilities.

Is it possible to change my registration information if I have already begun the ADI course?

You will not be able to change your registration information after you complete the registration process, but immediately before you attempt the final exam, you will be asked to review the information to be printed on your completion certificate, and you can change your information at that time. You can also call TicketSchool Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST, excluding holidays, to request that your information be changed. Our telephone number is 1-800-222-9199.

Basic Driver Improvement Course Answers

What happens if I lose or forget my login information?

Ticket School can help you retrieve your login information if you have lost or forgotten it. Simply click on the “I forgot my login” button on the login page. You will then be prompted to enter your email address to request a reminder email containing your information. If you do not receive this email, did not provide an email, or are having any other difficulty please contact us at 1-800-558-9887 Monday-Friday (excluding holidays), between the hours of 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM CST so that we can assist you by phone.

What if I’m having trouble with the course and need to speak to a live person?

If you are having trouble with the course and wish to speak to a customer service representative, please contact TicketSchool using one of the methods below:
Phone Number: 1-800-222-9199
Customer Support Hours:
Phone: Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST

Michigan basic driver improvement course and test answers
You’ve just received and paid a speeding ticket. You know, as a result, that you’re going to get points on your driving record and the ticket will be reported to your insurance company by the Secretary of State, which could result in an increase in your insurance rates. It is not a happy day for you.
But wait, there may be hope and before all hope is lost, you may be interested in what follows. For eligible drivers who receive certain types of civil infraction traffic tickets, there is a new Michigan statute that provides a way for the points to not go on one’s driving record and for the ticket itself to not be reported to the driver’s insurance company.
Here are the pertinent details.

4 Hour Basic Driver Improvement Course Answers

If you received a ticket on or after Dec. 31, 2010, you may be eligible for an Online basic driver improvement course also called MICHIGAN BDIC program. Drivers must meet certain qualifications including the following:

4-hour Basic Driver Improvement Course Answers

  • Have a valid non-commercial license with two or fewer points on their record.
  • The violation was not in a commercial motor vehicle.
  • The violation was not a criminal offense.
The ticket is an ‘eligible’ ticket. This means the ticket is for three or less points and not for careless or negligent driving or a similar violation. There is a list of tickets that qualify on the Secretary of State website along with some other qualification conditions.
If you are eligible for the program, the Secretary of State will send you a letter to the address on your driver’s license. If you decide to take a Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDIC), you have 60 days to pass it. If you take the course and pass within the time period, the Michigan Secretary of State must be notified.
The course itself consists of a defensive driving curriculum that meets or exceeds the standards of Michigan law. The course is 100% online and approved by the MICHIGAN SOS. You are only allowed one successful completion of a BDIC.
There are many other details regarding this program that I won’t mention here.
Michigan BDIC Test Answers:
At the end of each section there are simple review questions. These are not counted toward your final score. Once you complete all course modules you will then take the final quiz and submit your answers.
Question: Before turning left, it is important to:
A. sound your horn.
B. yield to oncoming vehicles.
C. swing to the right side of your lane.
D. wait until oncoming traffic has a red light.
Answer: yield to oncoming vehicles.
Explanation: Oncoming traffic has the right of way over vehicles turning left. When you are turning left, be patient and wait for traffic to clear.
Question: City driving is more dangerous than expressway driving because of the:
A. Lower speed limits.
B. Narrower driving lanes.
C. Cross traffic and pedestrians.
D. Worse road conditions in bad weather.
Answer: Cross traffic and pedestrians.
Question: You are driving in the right lane on an expressway. You should probably move into the left lane when:
A. Traffic is heavy but moving steadily.
B. The weather is bad and roads are slippery.
C. Traffic is slow in your lane and cars are in the left lane.
D. Traffic is light and cars are merging onto the expressway from the right.
Answer: Traffic is light and cars are merging onto the expressway from the right.
Question: When entering an expressway behind several other vehicles, it is MOST important to:
A. Keep your eyes on the vehicle in back of you.
B. Adjust the position and speed of your vehicle to the flow of traffic.
C. Stay as close as possible to the vehicle in front of you.
D. Cancel your turn signal.
Answer: Adjust the position and speed of your vehicle to the flow of traffic.
Question: To reduce the effects of headlight glare at night, you should look:
A. Straight ahead.
B. Over your shoulder.
C. At the center of the road.
D. To the right edge of the road.
Answer: To the right edge of the road.
Question: You are driving along a multi-lane one way street. You see an emergency vehicle with lights flashing in your rear view mirror. You should:
A. be ready to get out of the way.
B. slow down and move to either side of the road.
C. stop immediately.
D. move safely to either side of the road and stop.
Answer: move safely to either side of the road and stop.
Explanation: Usually the best thing to do is pull over to the right and stop (or to the left if you are driving in the left lane of a divided highway or on a one-way street).
Question: When changing lanes, you can check your blind spot by:
A. Using the inside rearview mirror.
B. Using the outside rearview mirror.
C. Using both inside and outside rearview mirrors.
D. Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.
Answer: Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.
Question: While driving on a two-lane road without bicycle lanes, you encounter a bicyclist traveling in the same direction. What is the safest way to pass the bicyclist?
A. Slow down and wait until there is no traffic approaching, then pass the bicyclist leaving him or her sufficient space.
B. Continue driving straight, it is the bicyclist’s responsibility to get out of your way.
C. Do not pass the bicyclist until you come to a traffic signal or stop sign.
D. Honk to let the bicyclist know you are about to pass.
Answer: Slow down and wait until there is no traffic approaching, then pass the bicyclist leaving him or her sufficient space.
Question: You are driving in the right lane on the Freeway. You should probably move into the left lane when:
A. the weather is bad and the roads are slippery.
B. traffic is slow in your lane and cars are in the left lane.
C. traffic is light and cars are merging onto the expressway from the right.
D. traffic is heavy but moving steadily.
Answer: traffic is light and cars are merging onto the expressway from the right.
Explanation: Always be aware of other drivers. If traffic is light and there are cars merging into your lane, try to move to the other lane cautiously.
Question: What is the most effective position to hold the steering wheel in a vehicle equipped with air bags?
A. 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock.
B. 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock.
C. 8 o'clock and 1 o'clock.
D. All methods are equally effective.
Answer: 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock.
Explanation: if the air bags were activated, having your hands at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions will improve your chances for controlling the car.
Question: What is the hand signal for a right turn?
A. Left arm pointed down.
B. Left arm out stretched.
C. Waving wildly in the mirror.
D. Left arm pointed up.
Answer: Left arm pointed up.
Explanation: In North America, hand signals are made using the left hand out the car window. Think about pointing your thumb the direction you want to go.
Question: _____% of all accident fatalities involve drivers 16 - 24 years of age.
A. 14%
C. 24%
C. 34%
D. 50%
Answer: 24%
Question: How can you prevent fatigue on a long trip?
A. plan rest stops every couple of hours.
B. open window for fresh air.
C. don't drive for at least 15 minutes after waking from sleep.
D. all of the above.
Answer: all of the above.
Explanation: Do not keep driving if you are tired. Break the trip up allowing driver rest periods.
Question: If you lose your license for drunk driving, you cannot drive a:
A. truck.
B. car.
C. moped.
D. all of the above.
Answer: all of the above.
Explanation: Drunk driving will cause you to lose more than you should ever bargain for. Once you lose your license you cannot drive any motor vehicle.
Question: You come to an intersection with a flashing red light. You must:
A. Slow down and drive carefully through the intersection.
B. Turn either right or left since the road is blocked ahead.
C. Stop at the intersection and wait for a flashing green light.
D. Stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.
Answer: Stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.
Question: When approaching a work zone with a “45 Where Workers Present” sign, drivers should:
A. Slow down immediately.
B. Drive at a safe speed for conditions (up to the posted speed limit), watch for construction workers, and slow down to 45 mph or lower where workers are present.
C. Merge to the right lane.
D. All of the above.
Answer: Drive at a safe speed for conditions (up to the posted speed limit), watch for construction workers, and slow down to 45 mph or lower where workers are present.
Question: You are coming to an intersection with a yellow flashing light. You should:
A. stop and wait for the light to change.
B. make a U-turn; the intersection is closed.
C. drive carefully through the intersection.
D. prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red.
Answer: drive carefully through the intersection.
Explanation: A flashing yellow light should be treated the same as a yield sign. Make sure you look for traffic from all directions before proceeding carefully through the intersection.
Question: When entering a freeway (expressway) from an entrance ramp, you should:
A. keep your eyes on the vehicle in back of you.
B. adjust the position and speed of your vehicle to the flow of traffic.
C. stop to check traffic at the end of the entrance ramp.
D. cancel your turn signal.
Answer: adjust the position and speed of your vehicle to the flow of traffic.
Explanation: Since the vehicles already on the expressway are travelling at a higher rate of speed, it is important that you can merge with the flow of traffic. Adjust your speed to match the traffic on the expressway, and adjust your position to merge smoothly into an open space.
Question: You come to an intersection with a flashing red light. You must:
A. slow down and drive carefully through the intersection.
B. turn either right or left since the road is blocked ahead.
C. stop at the intersection and wait for a flashing green light.
D. stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.
Answer: stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.
Explanation: The law requires that you treat a flashing red light the same way you would treat a stop sign. You must first come to a complete stop at the intersection, then proceed when traffic is clear.
Question: City driving is more dangerous than expressway driving because of the:
A. lower speed limits.
B. narrower driving lanes.
C. cross traffic and pedestrians.
D. worse road conditions in bad weather.
Answer: cross traffic and pedestrians.
Explanation: While worse road conditions due to weather can contribute to dangerous driving conditions, this is true on expressways as well as in the city. Having to watch for pedestrians and traffic coming from four directions divides your attention and demands more care from city drivers.
Question: It is illegal to exceed the posted speed limit:
A. except in remote or unpopulated areas.
B. except when you are keeping up with traffic.
C. except when passing.
D. at all times.
Answer: at all times.
Explanation: The posted speed is the maximum for ideal conditions only. Choose a lower speed if the conditions are not ideal.
Question: Before you pull out you should:
A. get close to the vehicle ahead.
B. wait for a signal from the driver ahead.
C. be able to see well ahead.
D. speed up and watch carefully.
Answer: be able to see well ahead.
Explanation: In assessing just how risky this situation is, you should ask yourself what could happen. What if there is an unexpected obstacle just around the curve?
Question: ___ % of accidents are caused by drivers 16 - 24 years of age.
A. 10%
B. 60%
C. 50%
D. 70
Answer: 50%
Question: If you don't know what other drivers are going to do:
A. honk or yell at them.
B. take your right of way quickly.
C. flash your high beam headlights at them.
D. yield the right of way to be safe.
Answer: yield the right of way to be safe.
Explanation: Sharing the road means considering other drivers.

Basic Driving Improvement Course Michigan Answers

Question: Before turning left, it is important to:
A. Sound your horn.
B. Yield to oncoming vehicles.
C. Swing to the right side of your lane.
D. Wait until oncoming traffic has a red light.
Answer: Yield to oncoming vehicles.
Question: You are driving in the right lane on an expressway. You should probably move into the left lane when:
A. traffic is heavy but moving steadily.
B. the weather is bad and roads are slippery.
C. traffic is slow in your lane and cars are in the left lane.
D. traffic is light and cars are merging onto the expressway from the right.
Answer: traffic is light and cars are merging onto the expressway from the right.
Explanation: Another option for making room when a vehicle is merging onto an expressway, from the right, is to accelerate.
Question: You are driving in the LEFT lane of a DIVIDED highway. You see an emergency vehicle with lights flashing in your rear view mirror. You should:
A. slow down and move to either side of the road.
B. stop immediately.
C. move safely to the nearest edge of the road and stop.
D. be ready to get out of the way.
Answer: move safely to the nearest edge of the road and stop.
Explanation: Usually the best thing to do is pull over to the right and stop (or to the left if you are driving in the left lane of a divided highway or on a one-way street).
Question: Letting up the brake just before hitting a large animal that you cannot avoid:
A. will minimize the damage to your car.
B. will damage the animals less.
C. lessens the chance of it going through the windshield.
D. will stop the car from skidding.
Answer: lessens the chance of it going through the windshield.
Explanation: If the animal is large and you can't stop in time, brake firmly and steer to strike the animal at an angle. Let up on the bake pedal just before hitting the animal.
Question: In the acceleration lane before merging on to a highway, a driver should:
A. speed up to match the speed of traffic.
B. signal and pull into the flow of traffic.
C. only be looking straight ahead.
D. be looking in the rear view mirror.
Answer: speed up to match the speed of traffic.
Explanation: The acceleration lane is divided from the rest of the roadway by a solid white line. Use this lane to match your speed to the speed of the traffic on the freeway.
Question: One danger of driving too close to the car in front of you is:
A. you may not be able to see what is up ahead.
B. you will block the rear view mirror of the car in front.
C. you will force the car in from to speed up.
D. you will be in the blind spot of the car in front.
Answer: you may not be able to see what is up ahead.
Explanation: Tailgating (following too closely behind the vehicle in front) is a major cause of crashes. If you tailgate, the vehicle in front can block your view of hazards ahead.
Question: On a vehicle with AUTOMATIC transmission, when should the first and second DRIVE (D1,D2) gears be used?
A. when exiting a highway.
B. when parking your vehicle.
C. when it is raining.
D. when pulling heavy loads or when going up or down very steep hills.
Answer: when pulling heavy loads or when going up or down very steep hills.
Explanation: There are two types of transmissions: automatic and standard. Both control the connection between the engine and the wheels.
Question: You must leave plenty of room when you pass a motorcycle because:
A. the speed of a motorcycle is constantly changing.
B. you may throw dirt or water in the rider's face.
C. motorcylclists have less control than cars.
D. motorcyclistst do not expect to be passed.
Answer: you may throw dirt or water in the rider's face.
Explanation: Allow plenty of space when you pass a motorcycle. Your vehicle may throw dirt or water in the rider's face.
Question: What is the most common accident type:
A. head-on collison
B. rear-end collison
C. side-impact collison
D. None of the above
Answer: rear-end collison
Question: Which of the following is NOT part of the pre-trip check you should do every time you drive?
A. Check side and read view mirrors are properly adjusted.
B. Check head rest and seat belts are properly adjusted.
C. Check radiator fluid and oil levels.
D. Check lights and turn signals.
Answer: Check radiator fluid and oil levels.
Explanation: To ensure good maintenance you need to do a more thorough pre-trip check every few weeks.
Question: Stopped public transport busses:
A. require you to stop behind them.
B. may hide pedestrians who are preparing to cross.
C. cannot see vehicles that will pass them.
D. have to honk before pulling into traffic.
Answer: may hide pedestrians who are preparing to cross.
Explanation: Watch for busses that have stopped. They may block you view of pedestrians about to cross the street, or they may be about to pull into traffic.
Question: The beginning of a rainfall may cause roads to be particularly slippery because:
A. your tires become cold.
B. the water mixes with oil on the road.
C. the water cools the road down quickly.
D. the water washes the road clean quickly.
Answer: the water mixes with oil on the road.
Explanation: Rain makes the road surface slippery, especially during the beginning of a rainfall. The rain mixes with the oil on the road to create a slippery, oily film.
Question: You are coming to an intersection with a yellow flashing light. You should:
A. Stop and wait for the light to change.
B. Make a U-turn; the intersection is closed.
C. Drive carefully through the intersection.
D. Prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red.
Answer: Drive carefully through the intersection.
Question: If a vehicle has a standard transmission, coasting down a hill with the clutch pushed
A. is unsafe and illegal.
B. is a good alternative to using the brakes.
C. is acceptable in good weather.
D. gives you more vehicle control.
Answer: is unsafe and illegal.
Explanation: It is illegal to coast downhill in neutral or with the clutch in. you need to be in gear to safely control your vehicle.
Question: What is percentage of accidents are caused by drivers of 16-24 years of age?
A. 20%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 90%
Answer: 50%
Michigan basic driver improvement course test answers:
This is just an aide to help you oot with the right Michigan basic driver improvement course answers.